7 Prolong Ejaculation Techniques for Men to Perform Better

7 Prolong Ejaculation Techniques for Men to Perform Better

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Some delays are so good for men. When it is to bed, men become restless about the best prolong ejaculation techniques. Imagine the moment when you have just started, and she insists on going wilder. At that point, the worst fear is to end up ejaculating. Well, every man has the same fear, and this is no shame or embarrassment. Despite this, if you keep riding and she enjoys it, there is no looking back. However, you might still desire stamina enhancement and look for male performance tips.


Smart Techniques to Prolong Ejaculation

Hold on! Ejaculation control is not rocket science. If you are determined to make it possible, nothing will hinder you. It’s just that you need to know the techniques so that you stroke to your heart’s content and stay hard. Here are seven great prolong ejaculation techniques. Have a look:


  Build Mental Confidence

Staying mentally confident in bed is a big thing for men. While stroking, you cannot gain the determination to keep going. There can be extreme moments when you might not hold on to your excitement and end up ejaculating. The wise thing is to start preparing mentally beforehand. Seek your partner’s confidence, talk and discuss, ask yourself how strong you are as a performer, and make plans to enjoy prolonged pleasure.


  Get a Delay Spray

Delay sprays are among the safest prolong ejaculation techniques men take to triumph in bed. These delay sprays comprise skin-friendly ingredients because men apply these at the tip of their penis. The effect starts sooner. One has to give fifteen minutes after spraying, and things go better thereafter. Genuine quality delay ejaculation sprays are available at online sex toys stores. It means you can order these from anywhere and get them discreetly.


  Seek Self-Help

Self-help is the best help. Never think of medical ways before trying yourself. The easiest and best way is to masturbate before you get along with your partner. Don’t let your partner know this; once you are done masturbating, you will not have the feeling to ejaculate sooner. This would be among the effective prolong ejaculation techniques that would respond to your performance.


  Out – Pause – In

Excitement is normal but when it starts exceeding limits, the chances of ejaculation get high. So, a wise strategy is to start stroking, pull out after 10 to 12, pause a bit, and insert again. This keeps your wildness in control and lets you stay in the game. Going constant might leave you over the top, and the duration might lessen. So, try this technique, and you will last longer in bed.


  Strengthen your Pelvic Muscles

Experts keep saying to work on your pelvic exercises. Believe it or not, if your pelvic muscles are strong, you will have a higher chance to ejaculate lately. Those who ignore working on their pelvic muscles usually end up ejaculating sooner. This disrupts the peace in one’s sex life. There are several videos that you can watch to better your pelvic muscles. Talk to experts on these prolong ejaculation techniques if you feel.


  Keep Changing Positions

Changing positions can work wonders for your performance. Many men think if they break the momentum, things might not work out. Well, let this happen. Even if it softens amid the performance, never worry. Start again, ask your partner to encourage you, think you will be wilder, and proceed accordingly. These prolong ejaculation techniques have brought optimistic results to men.


  Don’t Get Carried Away by Foreplays

Foreplays help to build up your fire. It prepares you both for a fantastic climax. However, many men end up with premature ejaculation. It’s, therefore, advisable to pull the break whenever you feel you might hit the climax. If you spend more time in foreplay, it’s great. But if you choose to switch to a missionary or any style, do not hesitate. All’s well that ends well!


Concluding Words

It’s nothing like any achievement for men to stretch their time of ejaculation. Your mental preparation, support, confidence, and willingness would help you last longer in bed. Follow the prolong ejaculation techniques stated above, do some pelvic exercises, discuss with your partner, and you are good to go.


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