Faqs By Payment

How safe it is to pay online to shop at your store?

Onbedroom promises to keep its customers safe and secure with all forms of payments. Whether one chooses to pay through credit card or debit card, the transactions would be kept confidential. We also accept payments through cash on delivery. So, we leave it to our customer’s convenience as to which payment mode he/she would like to choose.

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Is it possible to make paymentfrom anywhere in India atOnbedroom?

Yes, no matter from which corner of India you place an order and make payment, Onbedroom will accept all. One can be anywhere in any city and process payments. All out modes of payment are authentic. If you want to know anything or resolve any query, you can always get in touch with our customer care executives.

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Do you accept all types of paymentsfrom India?

Yes, we accept payments from all corners of India. Just be anywhere, be it Kolkata, Mumbai,Hyderabad or any other city, visit our website to place your order. We will even accept all forms of payments here. To sort out more queries, talk to any of our customer care executives who will help you out.

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Is it possible to make payment from anywhere in India for this toy?

You can payment from anywhere in India. All out modes of payment are available here.

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